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Jean Pierre et Alberte Escande n’en sont pas à leur premier établissement.
Après une première expérience réussie en tant que propriétaire de l’hôtel Tulip Inn Monaco Terminus et de son restaurant La Sarriette situé au 9, Avenue Prince Pierre, c’est au numéro 2 de la Rue du Portier qu’ils ont installé leur restaurant SenSais, ouvert en Août 2016.
Déjà à l’époque de La Sarriette, c’est épaulé de Gui Gedda, considéré comme le chef le plus emblématique de la cuisine provençale, que Jean Pierre Escande conquit l’âme des touristes et des locaux en mettant à l’honneur certains plats méditerranéens comme la bouillabaisse, le stockfish ou encore le banc de l’écailler... Faisant de ce lieu, un fleuron de la cuisine méditerranéenne, simple et conviviale.
C’est à partir de ces valeurs fortes, de partage et de convivialité, qu’ils ont souhaité inscrire le SenSais. La contraction des Sens et des Saisons pour un accord parfait !
Ce restaurant bistronomique est Unique en son genre ! 


Jean Pierre and Alberte Escande are not at their first establishment.
After a successful first experience as the owner of the hotel Tulip Inn Monaco Terminus and his restaurant La Sarriette located at 9, Avenue Prince Pierre, it is at number 2 of the Rue du Portier that they have installed their restaurant SenSais , opened in August 2016.
Already at the time of La Sarriette, it is supported by Guy Gedda, considered the most emblematic chef of Provencal cuisine, Jean Pierre Escande conquered the souls of tourists and locals by highlighting certain dishes Mediterranean, such as bouillabaisse, stockfish or peel bench ... Making this place, a jewel of Mediterranean cuisine, simple and friendly.
It is from these strong values, sharing and conviviality, that they wanted to register the SenSais. The contraction of Senses and Seasons for a perfect match!
This bistronomic restaurant is one of a kind!

Presentazione del ristorante Sensais a Monaco Monte Carlo

Jean Pierre e Alberte Escande non sono al loro primo stabilimento.
Dopo una prima esperienza di successo come il proprietario dell'hotel Tulip Inn Monaco Terminus e il suo ristorante La Sarriette situato al numero 9 della viale Prince Pierre, è al numero 2 della Rue du Portier che hanno installato il loro ristorante SenSais, inaugurato nell'agosto 2016.
Già al tempo di La Sarriette, è supportato da Guy Gedda, considerato lo chef più emblematico della cucina provenzale, Jean Pierre Escande ha conquistato le anime di turisti e locali onorando determinati piatti Mediterranei, come la bouillabaisse, lo stoccafisso o la panca con la buccia ... Rendendo questo posto, un gioiello della cucina mediterranea, semplice e amichevole.
È da questi valori forti, dalla condivisione e dalla convivialità, che hanno voluto registrare il SenSais. Questo ristorante bistronomico è unico nel suo genere!
HTMLText_062AD830_1140_E215_41B0_321699661E7F_mobile.html =

Jean Pierre et Alberte Escande n’en sont pas à leur premier établissement.
Après une première expérience réussie en tant que propriétaire de l’hôtel Tulip Inn Monaco Terminus et de son restaurant La Sarriette situé au 9, Avenue Prince Pierre, c’est au numéro 2 de la Rue du Portier qu’ils ont installé leur restaurant SenSais, ouvert en Août 2016.
Déjà à l’époque de La Sarriette, c’est épaulé de Gui Gedda, considéré comme le chef le plus emblématique de la cuisine provençale, que Jean Pierre Escande conquit l’âme des touristes et des locaux en mettant à l’honneur certains plats méditerranéens comme la bouillabaisse, le stockfish ou encore le banc de l’écailler... Faisant de ce lieu, un fleuron de la cuisine méditerranéenne, simple et conviviale.
C’est à partir de ces valeurs fortes, de partage et de convivialité, qu’ils ont souhaité inscrire le SenSais. La contraction des Sens et des Saisons pour un accord parfait !
Ce restaurant bistronomique est Unique en son genre ! 


Jean Pierre and Alberte Escande are not at their first establishment.
After a successful first experience as the owner of the hotel Tulip Inn Monaco Terminus and his restaurant La Sarriette located at 9, Avenue Prince Pierre, it is at number 2 of the Rue du Portier that they have installed their restaurant SenSais , opened in August 2016.
Already at the time of La Sarriette, it is supported by Guy Gedda, considered the most emblematic chef of Provencal cuisine, Jean Pierre Escande conquered the souls of tourists and locals by highlighting certain dishes Mediterranean, such as bouillabaisse, stockfish or peel bench ... Making this place, a jewel of Mediterranean cuisine, simple and friendly.
It is from these strong values, sharing and conviviality, that they wanted to register the SenSais. The contraction of Senses and Seasons for a perfect match!
This bistronomic restaurant is one of a kind!

Presentazione del ristorante Sensais a Monaco Monte Carlo

Jean Pierre e Alberte Escande non sono al loro primo stabilimento.
Dopo una prima esperienza di successo come il proprietario dell'hotel Tulip Inn Monaco Terminus e il suo ristorante La Sarriette situato al numero 9 della viale Prince Pierre, è al numero 2 della Rue du Portier che hanno installato il loro ristorante SenSais, inaugurato nell'agosto 2016.
Già al tempo di La Sarriette, è supportato da Guy Gedda, considerato lo chef più emblematico della cucina provenzale, Jean Pierre Escande ha conquistato le anime di turisti e locali onorando determinati piatti Mediterranei, come la bouillabaisse, lo stoccafisso o la panca con la buccia ... Rendendo questo posto, un gioiello della cucina mediterranea, semplice e amichevole.
È da questi valori forti, dalla condivisione e dalla convivialità, che hanno voluto registrare il SenSais. Questo ristorante bistronomico è unico nel suo genere!
HTMLText_221B6648_0C06_E5FD_41A0_77851DC2C548.html =
2, rue du Portier - MC


HTMLText_3918BF37_0C06_E393_41A1_17CF0ADBAB12_mobile.html =
Panorama list:
HTMLText_3918BF37_0C06_E393_41A1_17CF0ADBAB12.html =
Panorama list:
HTMLText_587046E5_49FF_69F2_4194_5B5F3E4E2676_mobile.html =
Phone : +377 93 30 20 70

Closed on Sunday
Free parking 2h Grimaldi Forum

Menu du Marché Week-end 58 euros*

* By booking this set menu, you will be able to order either this set menu or "à la carte" if you change your mind.
Show/Hide details
This set menu includes: Starter + Main course + Dessert

Menu du Marché Week-end 58 euros
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Please note: The main courses listed above are susceptible to change depending on market availabilty. All changes are will be indicated.


Menu du Marché Semaine 38 euros*

* By booking this set menu, you will be able to order either this set menu or "à la carte" if you change your mind.
Show/Hide details
This set menu includes:Starter + Main course + Dessert

Menu Marché Semaine 38 euros
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Please note: The main courses listed above are susceptible to change depending on market availabilty. All changes are will be indicated.


HTMLText_587046E5_49FF_69F2_4194_5B5F3E4E2676.html =
Phone : +377 93 30 20 70

Closed on Sunday
Free parking 2h Grimaldi Forum

Menu du Marché Week-end 58 euros*

* By booking this set menu, you will be able to order either this set menu or "à la carte" if you change your mind.
Show/Hide details
This set menu includes: Starter + Main course + Dessert

Menu du Marché Week-end 58 euros
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Please note: The main courses listed above are susceptible to change depending on market availabilty. All changes are will be indicated.


Menu du Marché Semaine 38 euros*

* By booking this set menu, you will be able to order either this set menu or "à la carte" if you change your mind.
Show/Hide details
This set menu includes:Starter + Main course + Dessert

Menu Marché Semaine 38 euros
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Please note: The main courses listed above are susceptible to change depending on market availabilty. All changes are will be indicated.


## Tour ### Description tour.description = Framework Studio ### Title tour.name = Sensais Monaco (Framework Studio)